Here you will find practical information about:
-Life in Bröllin.
-What to bring.
-Things to take care of before your travel.
THE MOST IMPORTANT – don’t forget
You will need your own health insurance (or valid travel insurance from your country).
You will have to present it during your registration.
The health insurance is mandatory and we cannot allow you participate in the workshops if you don’t have it.
Even during a respectful and caring dance workshop there is always a risk of injoury while dancing. If you go rough the possibilities get higher.
As Schloss bröllin and the organization of the event cannot be responsible for your physical health, if you get injured during the activities you will have to use your own insurance.
Check how your insurance works in Germany in advance so we can have this information clear. If you don’t have a valid insurance you can find many over the internet.

We cannot accept credit or debit card or travel cheks.
The next bank or ATM is 7km away, so if you want to get or change money you will miss half a day.
So bring the money you need in cash.
We don´t take responsibility for any damage or loss that your belongings can take. If you bring electronic devices you have to take care of them.
We can keep in brollin safe you passport, money, cheks or other documents if you need to.
Be aware and choose wisely what to bring.
There is internet connection in several areas of the venue. The use is free.
Our hosting venue is NOT A HOTEL.
Even if the Schloss installation had improved a lot over the years, we would consider it more like a great camp. If you upgrade your room it can get more hotely, but don’t expect changes of bed linings or cleaning service.
We are caring creative people! We will create the best conditions possible with the limitation that life gives us.
The general accommodation for the event is in shared dormitory or camping.
- If you stay in the dormitory you have to bring your own sleeping bag or bedding.
- If you stay camping you have to bring your own tent and sleeping equipment.
- If you upgrade to a room we will provide simple bedding and cover.
There is the possibility of renting the bedding (if you upgrade to a room there will be lining for you) for a fix price for the whole period and an extra price if you want to change it while your staying.

The dormitory accomodation is in a shared space. So you can clearly hear any natural noises coming from other bodies sleeping as well as the people getting in or out.
if you book private rooms they have no shutters, blinds etc. neither do we have material to cover the windows. It is better to be preventive on this, your rest is very important.
And there can be noises in between the buildings. better to be cautious.
- EAR PLUGS. As you may sleep with more than 10 people we recommend the use of ear plugs to avoid the noise that other people could do to disturb your rest.
- EYE MASK. The sun is rising quite early in this latitude, we also recommend to have an eye mask to protect your rest from its light.
- Enough clothes to change for hot and cold weather as we have only one coin-washing machine for all of us. Especially for daily practice as you might sweat.
- Sport or dance shoes for outside practice or walk in the fields.
- Knee pads if you need them.
- Warm clothes (sweat shirts, socks, scarf, etc.), as it can get quite cool during the night.
- Rain cover. We will probably get some rain, even in summer.
- Hat (something to protect your head for open air training, if you are sensitive.) There can be very sunny days.
- Sunglasses, sun lotion etc.
- Towels. We don´t provide any so better bring 2.
- Mosquito spray, cream. We are in nature, they have their right to hunt us, we have our right to protect ourselves.
IF YOU NEED: - Swimming suit, there is a small lake at 30 minutes walk
- Small torch light (the night is dark….)
- Your personal medicine. Don´t forget it.

We would work in the sutdios but also in the fields. As we are far out in the nature please consider some insect encounters, especially with mosquitoes and wasps!
Please bring some protection if needed as we do not have mosquito nets.
Wasp don´t attack if they are not bothered, but accidents happen.
If you have any allergy against insect bites, please bring anti histamine pills.
If you have any other allergy please let us know and bring the medicine that you could need.
The weather in this region can change quick. In a day time, it might be extremely hot and sunny and then change to cludy and rainy, and it usually becomes quite cool in the evening…
Usually it is around 20-30 degrees Celsius in the afternoon, but it could cool down in the evening to about 12-20 degrees Celsius.
It might also become cooler and even rainy in August.
There will be vegetarian food. We are considering the possibility of having a couple of days with non-vegetarian food as well.
A breakfast, a light lunch and dinner will be served every day.
For the timetable please check the SCHEDULE page.
The workshop participants will be responsible to help for the chefs and cleaning the dishes after eating. Groups of 4 or 5 participants will take care of it by turns. This is what we call the HAPPY COOKING TEAM and HAPPY CLEANING TEAM

you have special needings please contact us to check how could we make it work for you.
If you are used to take a special diet, substitutes or additives, or eat very special food, please feel free to bring this with you. There is a simple kitchen which can be used by everyone who is in need of it for simple preparing of your own special food.
Please let us know at your check-in, if it applies to you or you have special needs on food (ovo-lacto-vegans or religious issues). We can not promise to fulfil all your wishes, but we will try our best.
Brollin has it’s own bar at the venue that will open during the evenings.
It’s quite cozy for entertainment and relaxation.
There you can have some drinks (wine, beer, expresso, juice, etc).
And we will set also a small kiosk for other items as chocolate, cigarettes, etc.
It´s good if you bring cash for this as the might not accept card here!

Most Important: